Joel & Mark grilling...
Cutie-Pie Josie...
Downtown Birmingham...
We spent a rainy morning at the McWane Science Center. We didn't have enough time to conquer the entire thing. The kids loved it! did the adults:)
Jack experiencing the bed of nails...
The Searby men trying to build the Arch. Took them a bit to discover that the numbers needed to face to the inside...
But they eventually got it together...
We spent another morning at the Birmingham Zoo. Jack and Evan both wanted to "drive" the tractor...
Evan having some mommy time at the zoo. (25 weeks pregnant)
Jack (4), Josie (1), and Evan (2) sitting on the steps of Grandma & Grandpa Searby's church...
Sprinkler Time!
Thanks Joel for entertaining the kiddos for the afternoon! You're wonderful!
Jessi & Linda were present the entire weekend too. I just didn't have any great pictures of them that they would have appreciated on the internet:)
Thank you Mark & Linda for a fun weekend in Birmingham!
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