Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Last Two Weeks

We've been busy the last two weeks !

Believe it or not, we were in the pool just over 2 weeks ago! Evan loves the pool and is getting braver and braver with his water wings...

The rain cooled things off a little...
"Wear my rain coat"

"Daddy doing?"

Evan decided it looked like fun after a few minutes of hesitation...

Joel and I attended our neighbor's wedding in St. Augustine. Thank you to Lou and Kelly for tag-teaming the babysitting duty! We didn't know anyone (except the bride and groom) at the wedding so we really just spent time together and enjoyed our private cocktail table...

Austin & Melissa, Just Married!

Playing outside is one of Evan's favorite things to do. We borrowed a big firetruck from one of our friends so that has given him something new to do this past week.

"I spray you!"

"Gotta put out the fire!"

The fire-fisherman?

Jesus Loves Me

Evan picked up my Bible last week and started singing...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Potty Training

For the past 2 and a half weeks we've been working on potty-training Evan. He's really doing awesome...much better than I ever expected him to do. Thank you to everyone that has been encouraging us and giving us advice. We've taken a little bit of everyone's advice and found a way that is working for Evan. We started out with a timer going off every 20 minutes to signal "time to potty." It stretched to 30 minutes after a few days....thank goodness cuz I felt like I was spending half my day in the bathroom. Now he's going without a timer and he's getting better at telling me when he has to go. Evan loves his big-boy underwear and will do just about anything for an M&M or a Pez. I'm pretty sure he's had more sugar in the last 2 weeks than in his first 2 years of life! Its been exhausting but I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel!