Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Comments from Evan

Last night Evan said, "Daddy I'll pick your nose and you pick mine." What he meant was that he wanted to pretend to steal each others noses.

This morning we were reading a book and it said something about the sun being made for me and you. I asked Evan, "Who made the sun?" His reply: "God, Jesus, & Moses." I'm not sure what Moses had to do with it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Pony

Evan and I spent the day at the Birkett's house. Upon arrival, their neighbors were riding their horses through the neighborhood. A lady was riding a pretty large horse and a young girl was on a small white horse. We all walked down to the end of the driveway to see the horses. Kelly and Evan's conversation went something like this....

Kelly: Evan, do you want to pet the little horse?
Evan: You mean the pony?
Kelly: Well, yes, I mean the pony.
(We were both cracking up...too smart for his own good)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Moments with evan

Evan really is hilarious. I need to write down more of our conversations!

Today he was helping me put new batteries in the Fridge Farm because the poor Leap Frog guy had been sounding sick for awhile. We were talking about what kind of batteries we needed. I asked him if he wanted to help me find some Triple A batteries. We found them, put them in, and then he told Joel, "We put Chick-fil-A batteries in the farm!"

Later after lunch we were talking about what he learned at church that morning and then he made a comment about something he learned at school. Joel asked him which teacher at school told him that to which Evan replied, "The one with not a lot of hair."

I love that boy. He really cracks me up!